
Hakan Yildirim's Exclusive Interview

1-How can Intellectual Property Strategies help brand in terms of creating a differentiated brand identity?
IP strategies must be used in the best possible way to help create a powerful brand, i.e. achieve high brand equity. In other words, “traditional” IP assets such as patents and trademarks have to be combined in the best possible way with “non-IP” concepts such as perceived quality, brand loyalty and name awareness. As famously expressed by Philip Kotler in his book titled Principles of Marketing, “One measure of brand equity is the extent to which customers are willing to pay more for the brand”. Hence, IP must be used in a “street smart” way to make the customers pay more for your products!

2-What are your biggest challenges in managing IP of your company?
The biggest challenge is to explain why strategic P management is important to the scientists of the R&D department. Not only do the scientist have to understand that the R&D can be transformed into business assets such as registered IP rights, but they must also understand that there are other players in the IP landscape which we must both avoid and keep an eye on.

3- What intellectual property resources or activities have you used in this Pandemic for your company?
I have used patent database search tools as well as annuity services. Moreover, I have also contacted an Italian IP-consultancy firm for filing a patent application in Italy.

4-What in your view is more important; IP Awareness or IP Protection?
My philosophy as Head of IP is that IP awareness and IP protection are so intimately intertwined that they must co-exist. IP protection can be best attained if one’s co-workers are aware of what IP is and how it can be used as a game-changing business asset.

5- What factors do you believe will shape the future of Intellectual Property Across the Globe?
The future of IP will probably be shaped by patent database search tools that will make better use of artificial intelligence.

6- What is your company’s vision for 2020 and beyond in this COVID19 situation?
Our vision is, despite the challenges of recruiting patients to clinical studies (due to the Covid-19 pandemic), to successfully put our pharmaceuticals through clinical trials as originally planned

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